About us

National Contact Points (NCPs) are support structures that have become an essential component in the implementation of successive Framework Programmes. They provide free information and on-the ground advice to potential applicants and beneficiaries, through the project life cycle, in their own language, in a manner that would be impossible for the Commission and its Agencies acting alone.

The aim of the NCPs: „They will have a key role in delivering the programme’s objectives and impacts ensuring that it becomes known and readily accessible to all potential applicants, irrespective of sector or discipline” (NCPs Guiding Principles).  

Our team

Aurelija Povilaikė

NCP Head and NCP Coordinator | European Research Council (ERC) | Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA |

Irena Kuzminskienė

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment

Laura Pėkienė

EU Mission: Cancer | EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters

Jolita Česiulytė

Climate, Energy, Mobility | Fusion | Fissions

Aiga Jonele

Research Infrastructures | Legal and Financial

Ieva Budrienė

Civil Security for Society | Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA(WIDERA)

Deividas Petrulevičius

Digital, Industry and Space

Lina Liepytė

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Martyna Urbonaitė

European Research Council (ERC)

Ieva Stanišauskaitė

Joint Research Center (JRC)

Asta Juškienė

Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA (WIDERA)

Milda Karčiauskaitė

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Jolanta Revaitienė

EU Mission: Adaptation to Climate Change | EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe

Dalius Gudeika

Digital, Industry and Space

Akvilė Eglinskaitė

Climate, Energy, Mobility

Jovita Žėkaitė-Maconko

European Innovation Council (EIC) | European Innovation Ecosystem (EIE)

Gintauta Žemaitienė

Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society | EU Mission: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities | New European Bauhaus